About me
Iron Door - Ashland Avenue Demolition Chicago, IL
I like shooting edges and transitions because interesting things happen at limits. Seeing differently is the start. Capturing the result in an impactful photograph is the goal.
Black & White Selected photographs from various series made between 2012 and 2017 including selections from the series "Memento," "Palimpsest: Urban Overwriting," "Edges and Limits," "Unease" and "The Wall at Federal Plaza".
First Last Always Photomontages based on the poem "Songs".
Collar County Studies Photographs made throughout counties adjacent to Chicago suburbs in 2013 through 2017 speaking to the distance between things that informs most everything rural.
Between the Law and the North Sea Photographs made of a housing estate and environs beneath the Berwick Law, East Lothian in June 2014 showing results of the quixotic effort to differentiate within the constraints of permissible limits.
Portraiture Street portraits taken in Chicago and NYC between 2013 and 2015 providing takes on separation, isolation and loneliness as personal preference.
Artifacts Studies of texture and form taken under an iron bridge spanning the Burlington Northern West line while trespassing in 2016.
The Night Inside These photographs of "overwriting" were made while trespassing and wandering through a construction site in Naperville IL in 2014.
Second Coming Photomontages channeling Trump-related angst.
Workbook Thoughts upon returning to a boyhood small town.